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Thoughts & Inspiration

Hello friends!

My name is Taylor Flickinger (or just “Flick” for short). I went on the World Race in 2018 and currently I work as an Admissions Advisor for Adventures in Missions. That means I get to journey alongside young people who are interested in doing missions and are bold enough to step out in faith saying “here am I, send me.” I love seeing other get fired up about missions and what God is doing in the world, and I am so thankful that I get to be a part of fanning into flame the gifts that others have been given (2 Timothy 1:6).

During my time in the field I was amazed at how God continued to show up. From conversations with Muslims in Uganda, to dancing with native tribes in Kenya, to evangelizing in the streets in Chile, to listening to the worship of my friends in Thailand, to the love in Christlike community all over the globe… I realized that God is so much bigger than any box we could put Him, and that same God showers us in His love and grace. 

While on the field I realized I wasn’t pursuing mission work – instead I was pursuing the heart of God, and in turn He showed me part of His heart for this world. After coming off a significant breakup and dealing with significant heartbreak, God broke my heart in an entirely new way for His people. Breaking our hearts for what breaks the Father’s is something I hope all people experience.

Despite a global pandemic, despite so much political tension and division, despite any circumstance of this world it is God who sits on the throne. I am encouraged daily to see others choosing to follow His calling, and I am encouraged further by the work I see God doing in and through them both at home and in countries all around the world. It is truly a blessing!

Thanks for stopping by and be blessed!

-Taylor Flick

taylor flickinger

This blog for taylor flickinger is operated by Adventures In Missions, an interdenominational missions organization that focuses on discipleship, prayer and building relationships through service around the world.